School of submission day two brooklyn gray

Day Two. The object of this day is to overwhelm with sex and torment, two things that Brooklyn is more than capable of handling. The Pope and Derrick Pierce team up, to give Brooklyn everything they have in an attempt to break Brooklyn. Derrick and The Pope unleash one of the most brutal encounters. The level of domination is far more than most could handle. Brooklyn holds it together, which is not always best. Sometimes letting go is the best plan, and that’s exactly what happens. Full submission takes on many looks, and this time its mental and physical exhaustion. With a temporary break in the action, Brooklyn’s guard is left down and so The Pope takes this opportunity and goes in to help in this very tiny moment. We decided to share this very intimate moment with you in hopes to shine light on how intense this process can get. In the end, Brooklyn is happy, complete, and needs some time to rest and reflect.Promotional media: 103405_image_gallery_001_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_002_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_003_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_004_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_005_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_006_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_007_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_008_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_009_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_010_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_011_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_012_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_013_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_014_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_015_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_016_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_017_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_018_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_019_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_020_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_021_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_022_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_023_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_024_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_025_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_026_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_027_thumb.png 103405_image_gallery_028_thumb.png
School of submission day two brooklyn gray