Hot savage a black widow strikes

IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE. Your wife, Electra, has gotten tired of your attitude. She is tired of entertaining you and putting up with your selfish penish. Now she has found a better man. It’s time to move on from your penish permanently. She only married you for your money anyway. Now she is going to do away with you permanently. While you were sleeping she slipped a rare spider into your bed. It normally isn’t dangerous… but if you happen to orgasm… you will slip away from this life.Promotional media: electra_001_thumb.png electra_003_thumb.png electra_004_thumb.png electra_005_thumb.png electra_006_thumb.png electra_007_thumb.png electra_008_thumb.png electra_012_thumb.png electra_002_thumb.png electra_011_thumb.png electra_013_thumb.png electra_010_thumb.png electra_014_thumb.png electra_016_thumb.png electra_009_thumb.png electra_015_thumb.png
Hot savage a black widow strikes